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2015-12-04 10:23:49 +01:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using SpacePew.Networking;
using SpacePew.Camera;
using SpacePew.Models.Projectiles;
using SpacePew.Models.Weapons;
namespace SpacePew.Models
public class Player : EntityBase, IFocusable
#region Constructors
private SoundEffectInstance _thrustSound;
public Player()
_weapon = new Cannon();
_projectile = new Bullet();
_secondaryWeapon = new ClusterLauncher();
_secondaryProjectile = new ClusterBomb();
Health = 100;
Fuel = 50000;
_lastCollide = DateTime.Now;
_thrustSound = SoundManager.GetSoundEffectInstance("Audio/Waves/engine");
private readonly Vector2 _up = new Vector2(0, -1);
private Matrix _rotationMatrix;
private Vector2 _direction;
private readonly IProjectile _projectile;
private readonly IProjectile _secondaryProjectile;
private IWeapon _secondaryWeapon;
public IWeapon SecondaryWeapon
get { return _secondaryWeapon; }
set { _secondaryWeapon = value; }
private IWeapon _weapon;
public IWeapon Weapon
get { return _weapon; }
set { _weapon = value; }
public bool IsRemotePlayer { get; set; }
public bool Landed { get; set; }
public double Fuel { get; private set; }
#region Input handling
private bool _isThrusting;
public void HandleKeyboard(KeyboardState state)
if (!MainGame.IsKeyboardInUse)
if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
if (Landed)
Landed = false;
if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
if (Landed)
Landed = false;
if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
if (Landed)
Landed = false;
_isThrusting = true;
_isThrusting = false;
if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
if (this.Weapon.Heat > 0)
this.Weapon.Heat -= 1;
if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
this._secondaryWeapon.Fire(this._secondaryProjectile, this);
if (this._secondaryWeapon.Heat > 0)
this._secondaryWeapon.Heat -= 1;
if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.R))
this.Health = 0;
private void Fire()
this._weapon.Fire(_projectile, this);
private void MoveRight()
Angle += 0.1f;
private void MoveLeft()
Angle -= 0.1f;
private void Thrust()
Fuel -= 1;
_rotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(Angle);
_direction = Vector2.Transform(_up, _rotationMatrix);
Velocity += _direction / VelocityModifier;
#region IEntity Members
public override string Owner { get; set; }
public override sealed int Health { get; set; }
public override void ApplyGravity(GameTime time)
if (!Landed)
public override Vector2 Origin
get { return new Vector2(Texture.Width / 2, Texture.Height / 2); }
public override string TextureName
get { return "player"; }
private DateTime _lastCollide;
public void CollideWith(IEntity entity)
var projectile = entity as IProjectile;
if (projectile != null)
this.Health -= projectile.Damage;
var player = entity as Player;
if (player != null)
if (_lastCollide <= DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(-80))
_lastCollide = DateTime.Now;
if (Math.Abs(this.Velocity.Length()) > Math.Abs(entity.Velocity.Length()))
entity.Velocity += this.Velocity / 2;
this.Velocity /= 4;
this.Velocity += entity.Velocity / 2;
entity.Velocity /= 4;
this.Landed = false;
player.Landed = false;
public override void CollideWithLevel(Level level)
Velocity -= (Velocity / 300);
public static Player CreatePlayer(Vector2 startPosition)
return CreatePlayer(startPosition, string.Empty);
public static Player CreatePlayer(Vector2 startPosition, string name)
return EntityFactory.Instance.CreateEntity<Player>(
new Vector2(),
public void Land()
if (!Landed)
this.Velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
this.Position = new Vector2(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y - 1); // Need to adjust because per pixel collision
// sometimes can't catch up with frame rate
this.Angle = 0;
Landed = true;
public void Kill()
SoundManager.Play("Audio/Waves/explosion", this.Position);
this.Position = new Vector2(25, 25);
this.Velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
this.Angle = 0;
this.Health = 100;
this.Landed = false;
public override void Update(GameTime time)
if (_isThrusting)
if (_thrustSound.State != SoundState.Playing)
this.Texture = TextureManager.LoadTexture("player_thrusting");
this.Texture = TextureManager.LoadTexture("player");
#region IFocusable Members
Vector2 IFocusable.Position
get { return this.Position; }