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2015-12-04 10:23:49 +01:00
// //
// Neoforce Controls //
// //
// //
// File: Skin.cs //
// //
// Version: 0.7 //
// //
// Date: 11/09/2010 //
// //
// Author: Tom Shane //
// //
// //
// Copyright (c) by Tom Shane //
// //
#region //// Using /////////////
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
namespace TomShane.Neoforce.Controls
#region //// Structs ///////////
public struct SkinStates<T>
public T Enabled;
public T Hovered;
public T Pressed;
public T Focused;
public T Disabled;
public SkinStates(T enabled, T hovered, T pressed, T focused, T disabled)
Enabled = enabled;
Hovered = hovered;
Pressed = pressed;
Focused = focused;
Disabled = disabled;
public struct LayerStates
public int Index;
public Color Color;
public bool Overlay;
public struct LayerOverlays
public int Index;
public Color Color;
public struct SkinInfo
public string Name;
public string Description;
public string Author;
public string Version;
#region //// Classes ///////////
public class SkinList<T> : List<T>
#region //// Indexers //////////
public T this[string index]
for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
SkinBase s = (SkinBase)(object)this[i];
if (s.Name.ToLower() == index.ToLower())
return this[i];
return default(T);
for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
SkinBase s = (SkinBase)(object)this[i];
if (s.Name.ToLower() == index.ToLower())
this[i] = value;
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinList()
: base()
public SkinList(SkinList<T> source)
: base()
for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++)
Type[] t = new Type[1];
t[0] = typeof(T);
object[] p = new object[1];
p[0] = source[i];
public class SkinBase
#region //// Fields ////////////
public string Name;
public bool Archive;
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinBase()
: base()
Archive = false;
public SkinBase(SkinBase source)
: base()
if (source != null)
this.Name = source.Name;
this.Archive = source.Archive;
public class SkinLayer : SkinBase
#region //// Fields ////////////
public SkinImage Image = new SkinImage();
public int Width;
public int Height;
public int OffsetX;
public int OffsetY;
public Alignment Alignment;
public Margins SizingMargins;
public Margins ContentMargins;
public SkinStates<LayerStates> States;
public SkinStates<LayerOverlays> Overlays;
public SkinText Text = new SkinText();
public SkinList<SkinAttribute> Attributes = new SkinList<SkinAttribute>();
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinLayer()
: base()
States.Enabled.Color = Color.White;
States.Pressed.Color = Color.White;
States.Focused.Color = Color.White;
States.Hovered.Color = Color.White;
States.Disabled.Color = Color.White;
Overlays.Enabled.Color = Color.White;
Overlays.Pressed.Color = Color.White;
Overlays.Focused.Color = Color.White;
Overlays.Hovered.Color = Color.White;
Overlays.Disabled.Color = Color.White;
public SkinLayer(SkinLayer source)
: base(source)
if (source != null)
this.Image = new SkinImage(source.Image);
this.Width = source.Width;
this.Height = source.Height;
this.OffsetX = source.OffsetX;
this.OffsetY = source.OffsetY;
this.Alignment = source.Alignment;
this.SizingMargins = source.SizingMargins;
this.ContentMargins = source.ContentMargins;
this.States = source.States;
this.Overlays = source.Overlays;
this.Text = new SkinText(source.Text);
this.Attributes = new SkinList<SkinAttribute>(source.Attributes);
throw new Exception("Parameter for SkinLayer copy constructor cannot be null.");
public class SkinText : SkinBase
#region //// Fields ////////////
public SkinFont Font;
public int OffsetX;
public int OffsetY;
public Alignment Alignment;
public SkinStates<Color> Colors;
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinText()
: base()
Colors.Enabled = Color.White;
Colors.Pressed = Color.White;
Colors.Focused = Color.White;
Colors.Hovered = Color.White;
Colors.Disabled = Color.White;
public SkinText(SkinText source)
: base(source)
if (source != null)
this.Font = new SkinFont(source.Font);
this.OffsetX = source.OffsetX;
this.OffsetY = source.OffsetY;
this.Alignment = source.Alignment;
this.Colors = source.Colors;
public class SkinFont : SkinBase
#region //// Fields ////////////
public SpriteFont Resource = null;
public string Asset = null;
public string Addon = null;
#region //// Properties ////////
public int Height
if (Resource != null)
return (int)Resource.MeasureString("AaYy").Y;
return 0;
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinFont()
: base()
public SkinFont(SkinFont source)
: base(source)
if (source != null)
this.Resource = source.Resource;
this.Asset = source.Asset;
public class SkinImage : SkinBase
#region //// Fields ////////////
public Texture2D Resource = null;
public string Asset = null;
public string Addon = null;
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinImage()
: base()
public SkinImage(SkinImage source)
: base(source)
this.Resource = source.Resource;
this.Asset = source.Asset;
public class SkinCursor : SkinBase
#region //// Fields ////////////
public Cursor Resource = null;
public string Asset = null;
public string Addon = null;
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinCursor()
: base()
public SkinCursor(SkinCursor source)
: base(source)
this.Resource = source.Resource;
this.Asset = source.Asset;
public class SkinControl : SkinBase
#region //// Fields ////////////
public string Inherits = null;
public Size DefaultSize;
public int ResizerSize;
public Size MinimumSize;
public Margins OriginMargins;
public Margins ClientMargins;
public SkinList<SkinLayer> Layers = new SkinList<SkinLayer>();
public SkinList<SkinAttribute> Attributes = new SkinList<SkinAttribute>();
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinControl()
: base()
public SkinControl(SkinControl source)
: base(source)
this.Inherits = source.Inherits;
this.DefaultSize = source.DefaultSize;
this.MinimumSize = source.MinimumSize;
this.OriginMargins = source.OriginMargins;
this.ClientMargins = source.ClientMargins;
this.ResizerSize = source.ResizerSize;
this.Layers = new SkinList<SkinLayer>(source.Layers);
this.Attributes = new SkinList<SkinAttribute>(source.Attributes);
public class SkinAttribute : SkinBase
#region //// Fields ////////////
public string Value;
#region //// Constructors //////
public SkinAttribute()
: base()
public SkinAttribute(SkinAttribute source)
: base(source)
this.Value = source.Value;
public class Skin : Component
#region //// Fields ////////////
SkinXmlDocument doc = null;
private string name = null;
private Version version = null;
private SkinInfo info;
private SkinList<SkinControl> controls = null;
private SkinList<SkinFont> fonts = null;
private SkinList<SkinCursor> cursors = null;
private SkinList<SkinImage> images = null;
private SkinList<SkinAttribute> attributes = null;
private ArchiveManager content = null;
#region //// Properties ////////
public virtual string Name { get { return name; } }
public virtual Version Version { get { return version; } }
public virtual SkinInfo Info { get { return info; } }
public virtual SkinList<SkinControl> Controls { get { return controls; } }
public virtual SkinList<SkinFont> Fonts { get { return fonts; } }
public virtual SkinList<SkinCursor> Cursors { get { return cursors; } }
public virtual SkinList<SkinImage> Images { get { return images; } }
public virtual SkinList<SkinAttribute> Attributes { get { return attributes; } }
#region //// Construstors //////
public Skin(Manager manager, string name)
: base(manager)
{ = name;
content = new ArchiveManager(Manager.Game.Services, GetArchiveLocation(name + Manager.SkinExtension));
content.RootDirectory = GetFolder();
doc = new SkinXmlDocument();
controls = new SkinList<SkinControl>();
fonts = new SkinList<SkinFont>();
images = new SkinList<SkinImage>();
cursors = new SkinList<SkinCursor>();
attributes = new SkinList<SkinAttribute>();
LoadSkin(null, content.UseArchive);
string folder = GetAddonsFolder();
if (folder == "")
content.UseArchive = true;
folder = "Addons\\";
content.UseArchive = false;
string[] addons = content.GetDirectories(folder);
if (addons != null && addons.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < addons.Length; i++)
DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(GetAddonsFolder() + addons[i]);
if (!((d.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden) || content.UseArchive)
LoadSkin(addons[i].Replace("\\", ""), content.UseArchive);
#region //// Destructors ///////
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (content != null)
content = null;
#region //// Methods ///////////
private string GetArchiveLocation(string name)
string path = Path.GetFullPath(Manager.SkinDirectory) + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name) + "\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(path) || !File.Exists(path + "Skin.xnb"))
path = Path.GetFullPath(Manager.SkinDirectory) + name;
return path;
return null;
private string GetFolder()
string path = Path.GetFullPath(Manager.SkinDirectory) + name + "\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(path) || !File.Exists(path + "Skin.xnb"))
path = "";
return path;
private string GetAddonsFolder()
string path = Path.GetFullPath(Manager.SkinDirectory) + name + "\\Addons\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
path = Path.GetFullPath(".\\Content\\Skins\\") + name + "\\Addons\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
path = Path.GetFullPath(".\\Skins\\") + name + "\\Addons\\";
return path;
private string GetFolder(string type)
return GetFolder() + type + "\\";
private string GetAsset(string type, string asset, string addon)
string ret = GetFolder(type) + asset;
if (addon != null && addon != "")
ret = GetAddonsFolder() + addon + "\\" + type + "\\" + asset;
return ret;
public override void Init()
for (int i = 0; i < fonts.Count; i++)
content.UseArchive = fonts[i].Archive;
string asset = GetAsset("Fonts", fonts[i].Asset, fonts[i].Addon);
asset = content.UseArchive ? asset : Path.GetFullPath(asset);
(fonts[i].Resource) = content.Load<SpriteFont>(asset);
#if (!XBOX && !XBOX_FAKE)
for (int i = 0; i < cursors.Count; i++)
content.UseArchive = cursors[i].Archive;
string asset = GetAsset("Cursors", cursors[i].Asset, cursors[i].Addon);
asset = content.UseArchive ? asset : Path.GetFullPath(asset);
cursors[i].Resource = content.Load<Cursor>(asset);
for (int i = 0; i < images.Count; i++)
content.UseArchive = images[i].Archive;
string asset = GetAsset("Images", images[i].Asset, images[i].Addon);
asset = content.UseArchive ? asset : Path.GetFullPath(asset);
images[i].Resource = content.Load<Texture2D>(asset);
for (int i = 0; i < controls.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < controls[i].Layers.Count; j++)
if (controls[i].Layers[j].Image.Name != null)
controls[i].Layers[j].Image = images[controls[i].Layers[j].Image.Name];
controls[i].Layers[j].Image = images[0];
if (controls[i].Layers[j].Text.Name != null)
controls[i].Layers[j].Text.Font = fonts[controls[i].Layers[j].Text.Name];
controls[i].Layers[j].Text.Font = fonts[0];
private string ReadAttribute(XmlElement element, string attrib, string defval, bool needed)
if (element != null && element.HasAttribute(attrib))
return element.Attributes[attrib].Value;
else if (needed)
throw new Exception("Missing required attribute \"" + attrib + "\" in the skin file.");
return defval;
private void ReadAttribute(ref string retval, bool inherited, XmlElement element, string attrib, string defval, bool needed)
if (element != null && element.HasAttribute(attrib))
retval = element.Attributes[attrib].Value;
else if (inherited)
else if (needed)
throw new Exception("Missing required attribute \"" + attrib + "\" in the skin file.");
retval = defval;
private int ReadAttributeInt(XmlElement element, string attrib, int defval, bool needed)
return int.Parse(ReadAttribute(element, attrib, defval.ToString(), needed));
private void ReadAttributeInt(ref int retval, bool inherited, XmlElement element, string attrib, int defval, bool needed)
string tmp = retval.ToString();
ReadAttribute(ref tmp, inherited, element, attrib, defval.ToString(), needed);
retval = int.Parse(tmp);
private bool ReadAttributeBool(XmlElement element, string attrib, bool defval, bool needed)
return bool.Parse(ReadAttribute(element, attrib, defval.ToString(), needed));
private void ReadAttributeBool(ref bool retval, bool inherited, XmlElement element, string attrib, bool defval, bool needed)
string tmp = retval.ToString();
ReadAttribute(ref tmp, inherited, element, attrib, defval.ToString(), needed);
retval = bool.Parse(tmp);
private byte ReadAttributeByte(XmlElement element, string attrib, byte defval, bool needed)
return byte.Parse(ReadAttribute(element, attrib, defval.ToString(), needed));
private void ReadAttributeByte(ref byte retval, bool inherited, XmlElement element, string attrib, byte defval, bool needed)
string tmp = retval.ToString();
ReadAttribute(ref tmp, inherited, element, attrib, defval.ToString(), needed);
retval = byte.Parse(tmp);
private string ColorToString(Color c)
return string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3}", c.R, c.G, c.B, c.A);
private void ReadAttributeColor(ref Color retval, bool inherited, XmlElement element, string attrib, Color defval, bool needed)
string tmp = ColorToString(retval);
ReadAttribute(ref tmp, inherited, element, attrib, ColorToString(defval), needed);
retval = Utilities.ParseColor(tmp);
private void LoadSkin(string addon, bool archive)
bool isaddon = addon != null && addon != "";
string file = GetFolder();
if (isaddon)
file = GetAddonsFolder() + addon + "\\";
file += "Skin";
file = archive ? file : Path.GetFullPath(file);
doc = content.Load<SkinXmlDocument>(file);
XmlElement e = doc["Skin"];
if (e != null)
string xname = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
if (!isaddon)
if (name.ToLower() != xname.ToLower())
throw new Exception("Skin name defined in the skin file doesn't match requested skin.");
name = xname;
if (addon.ToLower() != xname.ToLower())
throw new Exception("Skin name defined in the skin file doesn't match addon name.");
Version xversion = null;
xversion = new Version(ReadAttribute(e, "Version", "", false));
catch (Exception x)
throw new Exception("Unable to resolve skin file version. " + x.Message);
if (xversion != Manager._SkinVersion)
throw new Exception("This version of Neoforce Controls can only read skin files in version of " + Manager._SkinVersion.ToString() + ".");
else if (!isaddon)
version = xversion;
if (!isaddon)
XmlElement ei = e["Info"];
if (ei != null)
if (ei["Name"] != null) info.Name = ei["Name"].InnerText;
if (ei["Description"] != null) info.Description = ei["Description"].InnerText;
if (ei["Author"] != null) info.Author = ei["Author"].InnerText;
if (ei["Version"] != null) info.Version = ei["Version"].InnerText;
LoadImages(addon, archive);
LoadFonts(addon, archive);
LoadCursors(addon, archive);
catch (Exception x)
throw new Exception("Unable to load skin file. " + x.Message);
private void LoadSkinAttributes()
if (doc["Skin"]["Attributes"] == null) return;
XmlNodeList l = doc["Skin"]["Attributes"].GetElementsByTagName("Attribute");
if (l != null && l.Count > 0)
foreach (XmlElement e in l)
SkinAttribute sa = new SkinAttribute();
sa.Name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
sa.Value = ReadAttribute(e, "Value", null, true);
private void LoadControls()
if (doc["Skin"]["Controls"] == null) return;
XmlNodeList l = doc["Skin"]["Controls"].GetElementsByTagName("Control");
if (l != null && l.Count > 0)
foreach (XmlElement e in l)
SkinControl sc = null;
string parent = ReadAttribute(e, "Inherits", null, false);
bool inh = false;
if (parent != null)
sc = new SkinControl(controls[parent]);
sc.Inherits = parent;
inh = true;
sc = new SkinControl();
ReadAttribute(ref sc.Name, inh, e, "Name", null, true);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.DefaultSize.Width, inh, e["DefaultSize"], "Width", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.DefaultSize.Height, inh, e["DefaultSize"], "Height", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.MinimumSize.Width, inh, e["MinimumSize"], "Width", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.MinimumSize.Height, inh, e["MinimumSize"], "Height", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.OriginMargins.Left, inh, e["OriginMargins"], "Left", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.OriginMargins.Top, inh, e["OriginMargins"], "Top", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.OriginMargins.Right, inh, e["OriginMargins"], "Right", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.OriginMargins.Bottom, inh, e["OriginMargins"], "Bottom", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.ClientMargins.Left, inh, e["ClientMargins"], "Left", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.ClientMargins.Top, inh, e["ClientMargins"], "Top", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.ClientMargins.Right, inh, e["ClientMargins"], "Right", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.ClientMargins.Bottom, inh, e["ClientMargins"], "Bottom", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sc.ResizerSize, inh, e["ResizerSize"], "Value", 0, false);
if (e["Layers"] != null)
XmlNodeList l2 = e["Layers"].GetElementsByTagName("Layer");
if (l2 != null && l2.Count > 0)
LoadLayers(sc, l2);
if (e["Attributes"] != null)
XmlNodeList l3 = e["Attributes"].GetElementsByTagName("Attribute");
if (l3 != null && l3.Count > 0)
LoadControlAttributes(sc, l3);
private void LoadFonts(string addon, bool archive)
if (doc["Skin"]["Fonts"] == null) return;
XmlNodeList l = doc["Skin"]["Fonts"].GetElementsByTagName("Font");
if (l != null && l.Count > 0)
foreach (XmlElement e in l)
SkinFont sf = new SkinFont();
sf.Name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
sf.Archive = archive;
sf.Asset = ReadAttribute(e, "Asset", null, true);
sf.Addon = addon;
private void LoadCursors(string addon, bool archive)
if (doc["Skin"]["Cursors"] == null) return;
XmlNodeList l = doc["Skin"]["Cursors"].GetElementsByTagName("Cursor");
if (l != null && l.Count > 0)
foreach (XmlElement e in l)
SkinCursor sc = new SkinCursor();
sc.Name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
sc.Archive = archive;
sc.Asset = ReadAttribute(e, "Asset", null, true);
sc.Addon = addon;
private void LoadImages(string addon, bool archive)
if (doc["Skin"]["Images"] == null) return;
XmlNodeList l = doc["Skin"]["Images"].GetElementsByTagName("Image");
if (l != null && l.Count > 0)
foreach (XmlElement e in l)
SkinImage si = new SkinImage();
si.Name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
si.Archive = archive;
si.Asset = ReadAttribute(e, "Asset", null, true);
si.Addon = addon;
private void LoadLayers(SkinControl sc, XmlNodeList l)
foreach (XmlElement e in l)
string name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
bool over = ReadAttributeBool(e, "Override", false, false);
SkinLayer sl = sc.Layers[name];
bool inh = true;
if (sl == null)
sl = new SkinLayer();
inh = false;
if (inh && over)
sl = new SkinLayer();
sc.Layers[name] = sl;
ReadAttribute(ref sl.Name, inh, e, "Name", null, true);
ReadAttribute(ref sl.Image.Name, inh, e, "Image", "Control", false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Width, inh, e, "Width", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Height, inh, e, "Height", 0, false);
string tmp = sl.Alignment.ToString();
ReadAttribute(ref tmp, inh, e, "Alignment", "MiddleCenter", false);
sl.Alignment = (Alignment)Enum.Parse(typeof(Alignment), tmp, true);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.OffsetX, inh, e, "OffsetX", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.OffsetY, inh, e, "OffsetY", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.SizingMargins.Left, inh, e["SizingMargins"], "Left", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.SizingMargins.Top, inh, e["SizingMargins"], "Top", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.SizingMargins.Right, inh, e["SizingMargins"], "Right", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.SizingMargins.Bottom, inh, e["SizingMargins"], "Bottom", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.ContentMargins.Left, inh, e["ContentMargins"], "Left", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.ContentMargins.Top, inh, e["ContentMargins"], "Top", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.ContentMargins.Right, inh, e["ContentMargins"], "Right", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.ContentMargins.Bottom, inh, e["ContentMargins"], "Bottom", 0, false);
if (e["States"] != null)
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Enabled.Index, inh, e["States"]["Enabled"], "Index", 0, false);
int di = sl.States.Enabled.Index;
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Hovered.Index, inh, e["States"]["Hovered"], "Index", di, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Pressed.Index, inh, e["States"]["Pressed"], "Index", di, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Focused.Index, inh, e["States"]["Focused"], "Index", di, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.States.Disabled.Index, inh, e["States"]["Disabled"], "Index", di, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Enabled.Color, inh, e["States"]["Enabled"], "Color", Color.White, false);
Color dc = sl.States.Enabled.Color;
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Hovered.Color, inh, e["States"]["Hovered"], "Color", dc, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Pressed.Color, inh, e["States"]["Pressed"], "Color", dc, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Focused.Color, inh, e["States"]["Focused"], "Color", dc, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.States.Disabled.Color, inh, e["States"]["Disabled"], "Color", dc, false);
ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Enabled.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Enabled"], "Overlay", false, false);
bool dv = sl.States.Enabled.Overlay;
ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Hovered.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Hovered"], "Overlay", dv, false);
ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Pressed.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Pressed"], "Overlay", dv, false);
ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Focused.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Focused"], "Overlay", dv, false);
ReadAttributeBool(ref sl.States.Disabled.Overlay, inh, e["States"]["Disabled"], "Overlay", dv, false);
if (e["Overlays"] != null)
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Enabled.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Enabled"], "Index", 0, false);
int di = sl.Overlays.Enabled.Index;
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Hovered.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Hovered"], "Index", di, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Pressed.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Pressed"], "Index", di, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Focused.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Focused"], "Index", di, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Overlays.Disabled.Index, inh, e["Overlays"]["Disabled"], "Index", di, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Enabled.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Enabled"], "Color", Color.White, false);
Color dc = sl.Overlays.Enabled.Color;
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Hovered.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Hovered"], "Color", dc, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Pressed.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Pressed"], "Color", dc, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Focused.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Focused"], "Color", dc, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref sl.Overlays.Disabled.Color, inh, e["Overlays"]["Disabled"], "Color", dc, false);
if (e["Text"] != null)
ReadAttribute(ref sl.Text.Name, inh, e["Text"], "Font", null, true);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Text.OffsetX, inh, e["Text"], "OffsetX", 0, false);
ReadAttributeInt(ref sl.Text.OffsetY, inh, e["Text"], "OffsetY", 0, false);
tmp = sl.Text.Alignment.ToString();
ReadAttribute(ref tmp, inh, e["Text"], "Alignment", "MiddleCenter", false);
sl.Text.Alignment = (Alignment)Enum.Parse(typeof(Alignment), tmp, true);
LoadColors(inh, e["Text"], ref sl.Text.Colors);
if (e["Attributes"] != null)
XmlNodeList l2 = e["Attributes"].GetElementsByTagName("Attribute");
if (l2 != null && l2.Count > 0)
LoadLayerAttributes(sl, l2);
if (!inh) sc.Layers.Add(sl);
private void LoadColors(bool inherited, XmlElement e, ref SkinStates<Color> colors)
if (e != null)
ReadAttributeColor(ref colors.Enabled, inherited, e["Colors"]["Enabled"], "Color", Color.White, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref colors.Hovered, inherited, e["Colors"]["Hovered"], "Color", colors.Enabled, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref colors.Pressed, inherited, e["Colors"]["Pressed"], "Color", colors.Enabled, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref colors.Focused, inherited, e["Colors"]["Focused"], "Color", colors.Enabled, false);
ReadAttributeColor(ref colors.Disabled, inherited, e["Colors"]["Disabled"], "Color", colors.Enabled, false);
private void LoadControlAttributes(SkinControl sc, XmlNodeList l)
foreach (XmlElement e in l)
string name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
SkinAttribute sa = sc.Attributes[name];
bool inh = true;
if (sa == null)
sa = new SkinAttribute();
inh = false;
sa.Name = name;
ReadAttribute(ref sa.Value, inh, e, "Value", null, true);
if (!inh) sc.Attributes.Add(sa);
private void LoadLayerAttributes(SkinLayer sl, XmlNodeList l)
foreach (XmlElement e in l)
string name = ReadAttribute(e, "Name", null, true);
SkinAttribute sa = sl.Attributes[name];
bool inh = true;
if (sa == null)
sa = new SkinAttribute();
inh = false;
sa.Name = name;
ReadAttribute(ref sa.Value, inh, e, "Value", null, true);
if (!inh) sl.Attributes.Add(sa);