using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; namespace Lidgren.Network { public partial class NetPeer { /// /// Send NetIntroduction to hostExternal and clientExternal; introducing client to host /// public void Introduce( IPEndPoint hostInternal, IPEndPoint hostExternal, IPEndPoint clientInternal, IPEndPoint clientExternal, string token) { // send message to client NetOutgoingMessage msg = CreateMessage(10 + token.Length + 1); msg.m_messageType = NetMessageType.NatIntroduction; msg.Write((byte)0); msg.Write(hostInternal); msg.Write(hostExternal); msg.Write(token); m_unsentUnconnectedMessages.Enqueue(new NetTuple(clientExternal, msg)); // send message to host msg = CreateMessage(10 + token.Length + 1); msg.m_messageType = NetMessageType.NatIntroduction; msg.Write((byte)1); msg.Write(clientInternal); msg.Write(clientExternal); msg.Write(token); m_unsentUnconnectedMessages.Enqueue(new NetTuple(hostExternal, msg)); } /// /// Called when host/client receives a NatIntroduction message from a master server /// internal void HandleNatIntroduction(int ptr) { VerifyNetworkThread(); // read intro NetIncomingMessage tmp = SetupReadHelperMessage(ptr, 1000); // never mind length byte hostByte = tmp.ReadByte(); IPEndPoint remoteInternal = tmp.ReadIPEndPoint(); IPEndPoint remoteExternal = tmp.ReadIPEndPoint(); string token = tmp.ReadString(); bool isHost = (hostByte != 0); LogDebug("NAT introduction received; we are designated " + (isHost ? "host" : "client")); NetOutgoingMessage punch; if (!isHost && m_configuration.IsMessageTypeEnabled(NetIncomingMessageType.NatIntroductionSuccess) == false) return; // no need to punch - we're not listening for nat intros! // send internal punch punch = CreateMessage(1); punch.m_messageType = NetMessageType.NatPunchMessage; punch.Write(hostByte); punch.Write(token); m_unsentUnconnectedMessages.Enqueue(new NetTuple(remoteInternal, punch)); LogDebug("NAT punch sent to " + remoteInternal); // send external punch punch = CreateMessage(1); punch.m_messageType = NetMessageType.NatPunchMessage; punch.Write(hostByte); punch.Write(token); m_unsentUnconnectedMessages.Enqueue(new NetTuple(remoteExternal, punch)); LogDebug("NAT punch sent to " + remoteExternal); } /// /// Called when receiving a NatPunchMessage from a remote endpoint /// private void HandleNatPunch(int ptr, IPEndPoint senderEndPoint) { NetIncomingMessage tmp = SetupReadHelperMessage(ptr, 1000); // never mind length byte fromHostByte = tmp.ReadByte(); if (fromHostByte == 0) { // it's from client LogDebug("NAT punch received from " + senderEndPoint + " we're host, so we ignore this"); return; // don't alert hosts about nat punch successes; only clients } string token = tmp.ReadString(); LogDebug("NAT punch received from " + senderEndPoint + " we're client, so we've succeeded - token is " + token); // // Release punch success to client; enabling him to Connect() to msg.SenderIPEndPoint if token is ok // NetIncomingMessage punchSuccess = CreateIncomingMessage(NetIncomingMessageType.NatIntroductionSuccess, 10); punchSuccess.m_senderEndPoint = senderEndPoint; punchSuccess.Write(token); ReleaseMessage(punchSuccess); // send a return punch just for good measure var punch = CreateMessage(1); punch.m_messageType = NetMessageType.NatPunchMessage; punch.Write((byte)0); punch.Write(token); m_unsentUnconnectedMessages.Enqueue(new NetTuple(senderEndPoint, punch)); } } }