using System; namespace TomShane.Neoforce.External.Zip { internal class ZipFile : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, IDisposable { private string _name; public string Name { get { return _name; } } // when this is set, we trim the volume (eg C:) off any fully-qualified pathname, // before writing the ZipEntry into the ZipFile. // We default this to true. This allows Windows Explorer to read the zip archives properly. private bool _TrimVolumeFromFullyQualifiedPaths= true; public bool TrimVolumeFromFullyQualifiedPaths { get { return _TrimVolumeFromFullyQualifiedPaths; } set { _TrimVolumeFromFullyQualifiedPaths= value; } } private System.IO.Stream ReadStream { get { if (_readstream == null) { _readstream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(_name); } return _readstream; } } private System.IO.FileStream WriteStream { get { if (_writestream == null) { _writestream = new System.IO.FileStream(_name, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew); } return _writestream; } } private ZipFile() { } #region For Writing Zip Files public ZipFile(string NewZipFileName) { // create a new zipfile _name = NewZipFileName; if (System.IO.File.Exists(_name)) throw new System.Exception(String.Format("That file ({0}) already exists.", NewZipFileName)); _entries = new System.Collections.Generic.List(); } public void AddItem(string FileOrDirectoryName) { AddItem(FileOrDirectoryName, false); } public void AddItem(string FileOrDirectoryName, bool WantVerbose) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(FileOrDirectoryName)) AddFile(FileOrDirectoryName, WantVerbose); else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(FileOrDirectoryName)) AddDirectory(FileOrDirectoryName, WantVerbose); else throw new Exception(String.Format("That file or directory ({0}) does not exist!", FileOrDirectoryName)); } public void AddFile(string FileName) { AddFile(FileName, false); } public void AddFile(string FileName, bool WantVerbose) { ZipEntry ze = ZipEntry.Create(FileName); ze.TrimVolumeFromFullyQualifiedPaths= TrimVolumeFromFullyQualifiedPaths; if (WantVerbose) Console.WriteLine("adding {0}...", FileName); ze.Write(WriteStream); _entries.Add(ze); } public void AddDirectory(string DirectoryName) { AddDirectory(DirectoryName, false); } public void AddDirectory(string DirectoryName, bool WantVerbose) { String[] filenames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(DirectoryName); foreach (String filename in filenames) { if (WantVerbose) Console.WriteLine("adding {0}...", filename); AddFile(filename); } } public void Save() { WriteCentralDirectoryStructure(); WriteStream.Close(); _writestream = null; } private void WriteCentralDirectoryStructure() { // the central directory structure long Start = WriteStream.Length; foreach (ZipEntry e in _entries) { e.WriteCentralDirectoryEntry(WriteStream); } long Finish = WriteStream.Length; // now, the footer WriteCentralDirectoryFooter(Start, Finish); } private void WriteCentralDirectoryFooter(long StartOfCentralDirectory, long EndOfCentralDirectory) { byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; int i = 0; // signature UInt32 EndOfCentralDirectorySignature = 0x06054b50; bytes[i++] = (byte)(EndOfCentralDirectorySignature & 0x000000FF); bytes[i++] = (byte)((EndOfCentralDirectorySignature & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); bytes[i++] = (byte)((EndOfCentralDirectorySignature & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); bytes[i++] = (byte)((EndOfCentralDirectorySignature & 0xFF000000) >> 24); // number of this disk bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 0; // number of the disk with the start of the central directory bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 0; // total number of entries in the central dir on this disk bytes[i++] = (byte)(_entries.Count & 0x00FF); bytes[i++] = (byte)((_entries.Count & 0xFF00) >> 8); // total number of entries in the central directory bytes[i++] = (byte)(_entries.Count & 0x00FF); bytes[i++] = (byte)((_entries.Count & 0xFF00) >> 8); // size of the central directory Int32 SizeOfCentralDirectory = (Int32)(EndOfCentralDirectory - StartOfCentralDirectory); bytes[i++] = (byte)(SizeOfCentralDirectory & 0x000000FF); bytes[i++] = (byte)((SizeOfCentralDirectory & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); bytes[i++] = (byte)((SizeOfCentralDirectory & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); bytes[i++] = (byte)((SizeOfCentralDirectory & 0xFF000000) >> 24); // offset of the start of the central directory Int32 StartOffset = (Int32)StartOfCentralDirectory; // cast down from Long bytes[i++] = (byte)(StartOffset & 0x000000FF); bytes[i++] = (byte)((StartOffset & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); bytes[i++] = (byte)((StartOffset & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); bytes[i++] = (byte)((StartOffset & 0xFF000000) >> 24); // zip comment length bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 0; WriteStream.Write(bytes, 0, i); } #endregion #region For Reading Zip Files internal static ZipFile Read(string zipfilename) { return Read(zipfilename, false); } internal static ZipFile Read(string zipfilename, bool TurnOnDebug) { ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(); zf._Debug = TurnOnDebug; zf._name = zipfilename; zf._entries = new System.Collections.Generic.List(); ZipEntry e; while ((e = ZipEntry.Read(zf.ReadStream, zf._Debug)) != null) { if (zf._Debug) System.Console.WriteLine(" ZipFile::Read(): ZipEntry: {0}", e.FileName); zf._entries.Add(e); } // read the zipfile's central directory structure here. zf._direntries = new System.Collections.Generic.List(); ZipDirEntry de; while ((de = ZipDirEntry.Read(zf.ReadStream, zf._Debug)) != null) { if (zf._Debug) System.Console.WriteLine(" ZipFile::Read(): ZipDirEntry: {0}", de.FileName); zf._direntries.Add(de); } return zf; } public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { foreach (ZipEntry e in _entries) yield return e; } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } public void ExtractAll(string path) { ExtractAll(path, false); } public void ExtractAll(string path, bool WantVerbose) { bool header = WantVerbose; foreach (ZipEntry e in _entries) { if (header) { System.Console.WriteLine("\n{1,-22} {2,-6} {3,4} {4,-8} {0}", "Name", "Modified", "Size", "Ratio", "Packed"); System.Console.WriteLine(new System.String('-', 72)); header = false; } if (WantVerbose) System.Console.WriteLine("{1,-22} {2,-6} {3,4:F0}% {4,-8} {0}", e.FileName, e.LastModified.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), e.UncompressedSize, e.CompressionRatio, e.CompressedSize); e.Extract(path); } } public void Extract(string filename) { this[filename].Extract(); } public void Extract(string filename, System.IO.Stream s) { this[filename].Extract(s); } public ZipEntry this[String filename] { get { foreach (ZipEntry e in _entries) { if (e.FileName == filename) return e; } return null; } } #endregion // the destructor ~ZipFile() { // call Dispose with false. Since we're in the // destructor call, the managed resources will be // disposed of anyways. Dispose(false); } public void Dispose() { // dispose of the managed and unmanaged resources Dispose(true); // tell the GC that the Finalize process no longer needs // to be run for this object. GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposeManagedResources) { if (!this._disposed) { if (disposeManagedResources) { // dispose managed resources if (_readstream != null) { _readstream.Dispose(); _readstream = null; } if (_writestream != null) { _writestream.Dispose(); _writestream = null; } } this._disposed = true; } } private System.IO.Stream _readstream; private System.IO.FileStream _writestream; private bool _Debug = false; private bool _disposed = false; private System.Collections.Generic.List _entries = null; private System.Collections.Generic.List _direntries = null; } } #region More Info // Example usage: // 1. Extracting all files from a Zip file: // // try // { // using(ZipFile zip= ZipFile.Read(ZipFile)) // { // zip.ExtractAll(TargetDirectory, true); // } // } // catch (System.Exception ex1) // { // System.Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: " + ex1); // } // // 2. Extracting files from a zip individually: // // try // { // using(ZipFile zip= ZipFile.Read(ZipFile)) // { // foreach (ZipEntry e in zip) // { // e.Extract(TargetDirectory); // } // } // } // catch (System.Exception ex1) // { // System.Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: " + ex1); // } // // 3. Creating a zip archive: // // try // { // using(ZipFile zip= new ZipFile(NewZipFile)) // { // // String[] filenames= System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Directory); // foreach (String filename in filenames) // { // zip.Add(filename); // } // // zip.Save(); // } // // } // catch (System.Exception ex1) // { // System.Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: " + ex1); // } // // // ================================================================== // // // // Information on the ZIP format: // // From // // // Overall .ZIP file format: // // [local file header 1] // [file data 1] // [data descriptor 1] ** sometimes // . // . // . // [local file header n] // [file data n] // [data descriptor n] ** sometimes // [archive decryption header] // [archive extra data record] // [central directory] // [zip64 end of central directory record] // [zip64 end of central directory locator] // [end of central directory record] // // Local File Header format: // local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50) // version needed to extract 2 bytes // general purpose bit flag 2 bytes // compression method 2 bytes // last mod file time 2 bytes // last mod file date 2 bytes // crc-32 4 bytes // compressed size 4 bytes // uncompressed size 4 bytes // file name length 2 bytes // extra field length 2 bytes // file name varies // extra field varies // // // Data descriptor: (used only when bit 3 of the general purpose bitfield is set) // local file header signature 4 bytes (0x08074b50) // crc-32 4 bytes // compressed size 4 bytes // uncompressed size 4 bytes // // // Central directory structure: // // [file header 1] // . // . // . // [file header n] // [digital signature] // // // File header: (This is ZipDirEntry in the code above) // central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50) // version made by 2 bytes // version needed to extract 2 bytes // general purpose bit flag 2 bytes // compression method 2 bytes // last mod file time 2 bytes // last mod file date 2 bytes // crc-32 4 bytes // compressed size 4 bytes // uncompressed size 4 bytes // file name length 2 bytes // extra field length 2 bytes // file comment length 2 bytes // disk number start 2 bytes // internal file attributes 2 bytes // external file attributes 4 bytes // relative offset of local header 4 bytes // file name (variable size) // extra field (variable size) // file comment (variable size) // // End of central directory record: // // end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50) // number of this disk 2 bytes // number of the disk with the // start of the central directory 2 bytes // total number of entries in the // central directory on this disk 2 bytes // total number of entries in // the central directory 2 bytes // size of the central directory 4 bytes // offset of start of central // directory with respect to // the starting disk number 4 bytes // .ZIP file comment length 2 bytes // .ZIP file comment (variable size) // // date and time are packed values, as MSDOS did them // time: bits 0-4 : second // 5-10: minute // 11-15: hour // date bits 0-4 : day // 5-8: month // 9-15 year (since 1980) // // see #endregion