Magnus von Wachenfeldt 2a9d8ce416 move to github
2015-12-04 10:23:49 +01:00

301 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using System.Collections;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
namespace SpacePew.Models
public class Tile
public Point Position { get; set; }
public Texture2D Texture { get; set; }
public Tile(Texture2D texure, Point position)
Texture = texure;
Position = position;
public class TiledTexture : List<Tile>
public int TileWidth { get; set; }
public int TileHeight { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public int XTiles { get; set; }
public int YTiles { get; set; }
public Vector2 Position { get; set; }
public void GetData(Color[] textureData)
var buffer = new Color[TileWidth * TileHeight];
for (var j = 0; j < XTiles; j++)
for (var i = 0; i < YTiles; i++)
var tile = this[i * XTiles + j];
for (var x = 0; x < TileWidth; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < TileHeight; y++)
var xpos = tile.Position.X + x;
var ypos = tile.Position.Y + y;
textureData[ypos * Width + xpos] = buffer[y * TileWidth + x];
public void SetData(Color[] textureData)
var buffer = new Color[TileWidth * TileHeight];
for (var j = 0; j < XTiles; j++)
for (var i = 0; i < YTiles; i++)
var tile = this[i * XTiles + j];
for (var x = 0; x < TileWidth; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < TileHeight; y++)
var xpos = tile.Position.X + x;
var ypos = tile.Position.Y + y;
buffer[y * TileWidth + x] = textureData[ypos * Width + xpos];
public void SaveAsPng(Stream s, int width, int height)
throw new NotImplementedException("Har inte hunnit med.. borde gå att kopiera nån av Get/Set ovan och skapa upp en bild.");
public class Level
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string FilePath { get; set; }
public byte[] OggVorbisSong { get; set; }
public TiledTexture Texture { get; set; }
public TiledTexture IndestructibleTexture { get; set; }
public TiledTexture DeformedTexture { get; set; }
private Color[] _deformedTextureData;
public Queue<MapHit> Hits { get; set; }
public bool[] CollisionData
public bool[] IndestructibleCollisionData
private int _width;
private int _height;
public Level(GraphicsDevice device)
public Level()
{ }
public void Initialize()
_width = Texture.Width;
_height = Texture.Height;
Hits = new Queue<MapHit>();
var textureData = new Color[Texture.Width * Texture.Height];
var indestructibleTextureData = new Color[IndestructibleTexture.Width * IndestructibleTexture.Height];
CollisionData = new bool[Texture.Width * Texture.Height];
_deformedTextureData = new Color[DeformedTexture.Width * DeformedTexture.Height];
for (int i = _deformedTextureData.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
_deformedTextureData[i] = textureData[i].A > 0 ? textureData[i] : Color.Transparent;
IndestructibleCollisionData = new bool[IndestructibleTexture.Width * IndestructibleTexture.Height];
for (int i = 0; i < indestructibleTextureData.Length; i++)
if (indestructibleTextureData[i].A == 0)
IndestructibleCollisionData[i] = true;
public void BuildLevelFromCollisionData()
for (int i = 0; i < CollisionData.Length; i++)
if (CollisionData[i])
_deformedTextureData[i] = Color.Transparent;
public void BuildCollisionDataFromLevel()
for (int i = 0; i < _deformedTextureData.Length; i++)
if (_deformedTextureData[i] == Color.Transparent)
CollisionData[i] = true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the number of pixels of the entity that collides with the background
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entity"></param>
/// <param name="centerX"></param>
/// <param name="centerY"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int Collide(IEntity entity, int centerX, int centerY)
int entityWidth = entity.Texture.Width;
int entityHeight = entity.Texture.Height;
int posX = (int)entity.Position.X - (int)entity.Origin.X + centerX;
int posY = (int)entity.Position.Y - (int)entity.Origin.Y + centerY;
if (posX < 1 || posY < 1 || posX > Texture.Width - entityWidth - 1 || posY > Texture.Height - entityHeight - 1)
return 1000000000;
int hit = 0;
Color[] data = entity.GetTextureData();
var player = entity as Player;
bool isLandingAngle = player != null && (MathHelper.ToDegrees(player.Angle) >= 345 || MathHelper.ToDegrees(player.Angle) <= 15) && player.Velocity.Y > 0;
for (int y = 0; y < entityHeight; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < entityWidth; x++)
Color colorInPixel = data[(x - entity.Texture.Bounds.X) + (y - entity.Texture.Bounds.Y) * entity.Texture.Bounds.Width];
if(colorInPixel.A != 0)
if (CollisionData[(posX + x) + (posY + y) * _width] == false)
if (isLandingAngle)
if (CollisionData[(posX + x) + (posY + y + 1) * _width] == false &&
CollisionData[(posX + x + player.Texture.Width) + (posY + y + 1) * _width] == false)
if (player.Velocity.Y > 200f)
var yVelocity = (int)player.Velocity.Y;
SoundManager.Play("Audio/Waves/thump", player.Position);
player.Velocity = new Vector2(player.Velocity.X / 3, -player.Velocity.Y / 3);
return (yVelocity - 200) / 50;
return 0;
CollisionData[(posX + x) + (posY + y) * _width] = true;
Hits.Enqueue(new MapHit(entity));
else if (IndestructibleCollisionData[(posX + x) + (posY + y) * _width] == false)
if (isLandingAngle)
if (IndestructibleCollisionData[(posX + x) + (posY + y + 1) * _width] == false &&
IndestructibleCollisionData[(posX + x + player.Texture.Width) + (posY + y + 1) * _width] == false)
if (player.Velocity.Y > 200f)
var yVelocity = (int)player.Velocity.Y;
SoundManager.Play("Audio/Waves/thump", player.Position);
player.Velocity = new Vector2(player.Velocity.X / 3, -player.Velocity.Y / 3);
return (yVelocity - 200) / 50;
return 0;
if (player != null)
return hit / 20;
return hit;
public void StopLevelSong()
_stopMusic = true;
private bool _stopMusic;
public void PlayLevelSong()
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(this.OggVorbisSong))
using (var vorbis = new NVorbis.NAudioSupport.VorbisWaveReader(ms))
using (var waveOut = new NAudio.Wave.WaveOut())
while (!_stopMusic)