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// //
// Neoforce Controls //
// //
// //
// File: InputSystem.cs //
// //
// Version: 0.7 //
// //
// Date: 11/09/2010 //
// //
// Author: Tom Shane //
// //
// //
// Copyright (c) by Tom Shane //
// //
#region //// Using /////////////
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;
namespace TomShane.Neoforce.Controls
#region //// Enums /////////////
public enum InputMethods
None = 0x00,
Keyboard = 0x01,
Mouse = 0x02,
GamePad = 0x04,
All = Keyboard | Mouse | 0x04
public enum MouseButton
None = 0,
public enum MouseScrollDirection
None = 0,
Down = 1,
Up = 2
public enum GamePadButton
None = 0,
Start = 6,
public enum ActivePlayer
None = -1,
One = 0,
Two = 1,
Three = 2,
Four = 3
#region //// Structs ///////////
public struct GamePadVectors
public Vector2 LeftStick;
public Vector2 RightStick;
public float LeftTrigger;
public float RightTrigger;
public struct InputOffset
public int X;
public int Y;
public float RatioX;
public float RatioY;
public InputOffset(int x, int y, float rx, float ry)
X = x;
Y = y;
RatioX = rx;
RatioY = ry;
#region //// Classes ///////////
public class InputSystem: Disposable
#region //// Classes ///////////
private class InputKey
public Keys Key = Keys.None;
public bool Pressed = false;
public double Countdown = RepeatDelay;
private class InputMouseButton
public MouseButton Button = MouseButton.None;
public bool Pressed = false;
public double Countdown = RepeatDelay;
public InputMouseButton()
public InputMouseButton(MouseButton button)
Button = button;
private class InputMouse
public MouseState State = new MouseState();
public Point Position = new Point(0, 0);
private class InputGamePadButton
public GamePadButton Button = GamePadButton.None;
public bool Pressed = false;
public double Countdown = RepeatDelay;
public InputGamePadButton()
public InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton button)
Button = button;
#region //// Consts ////////////
private const int RepeatDelay = 500;
private const int RepeatRate = 50;
private float ClickThreshold = 0.5f;
#region //// Fields ////////////
private List<InputKey> keys = new List<InputKey>();
private List<InputMouseButton> mouseButtons = new List<InputMouseButton>();
private List<InputGamePadButton> gamePadButtons = new List<InputGamePadButton>();
private MouseState mouseState = new MouseState();
private GamePadState gamePadState = new GamePadState();
private Manager manager = null;
private InputOffset inputOffset = new InputOffset(0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f);
private InputMethods inputMethods = InputMethods.All;
private ActivePlayer activePlayer = ActivePlayer.None;
#region //// Properties ////////
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets input offset and ratio when rescaling controls in render target.
/// </summary>
public virtual InputOffset InputOffset
get { return inputOffset; }
set { inputOffset = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Sets or gets input methods allowed for navigation.
/// </summary>
public virtual InputMethods InputMethods
get { return inputMethods; }
set { inputMethods = value; }
public virtual ActivePlayer ActivePlayer
get { return activePlayer; }
set { activePlayer = value; }
#region //// Events ////////////
public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown;
public event KeyEventHandler KeyPress;
public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp;
public event MouseEventHandler MouseDown;
public event MouseEventHandler MousePress;
public event MouseEventHandler MouseUp;
public event MouseEventHandler MouseMove;
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when the mouse is scrolled.
/// </summary>
public event MouseEventHandler MouseScroll;
public event GamePadEventHandler GamePadUp;
public event GamePadEventHandler GamePadDown;
public event GamePadEventHandler GamePadPress;
public event GamePadEventHandler GamePadMove;
#region //// Constructors //////
public InputSystem(Manager manager, InputOffset offset)
this.inputOffset = offset;
this.manager = manager;
public InputSystem(Manager manager): this(manager, new InputOffset(0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f))
#region //// Methods ///////////
public virtual void Initialize()
#if (!XBOX && !XBOX_FAKE)
foreach (string str in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Keys)))
InputKey key = new InputKey();
key.Key = (Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), str);
foreach (string str in Enum.GetNames(typeof(MouseButton)))
InputMouseButton btn = new InputMouseButton();
btn.Button = (MouseButton)Enum.Parse(typeof(MouseButton), str);
foreach (string str in Enum.GetNames(typeof(GamePadButton)))
InputGamePadButton btn = new InputGamePadButton();
btn.Button = (GamePadButton)Enum.Parse(typeof(GamePadButton), str);
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.None));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.Start));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.Back));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.Up));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.Down));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.Left));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.Right));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.A));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.B));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.X));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.Y));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.BigButton));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.LeftShoulder));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.RightShoulder));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.LeftTrigger));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.RightTrigger));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.LeftStick));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.RightStick));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.LeftStickLeft));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.LeftStickRight));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.LeftStickUp));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.LeftStickDown));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.RightStickLeft));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.RightStickRight));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.RightStickUp));
gamePadButtons.Add(new InputGamePadButton(GamePadButton.RightStickDown));
public virtual void SendMouseState(MouseState state, GameTime gameTime)
UpdateMouse(state, gameTime);
public virtual void SendKeyboardState(KeyboardState state, GameTime gameTime)
UpdateKeys(state, gameTime);
public virtual void SendGamePadState(PlayerIndex playerIndex, GamePadState state, GameTime gameTime)
UpdateGamePad(playerIndex, state, gameTime);
public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (manager.UseGuide && Guide.IsVisible) return;
#if (!XBOX && !XBOX_FAKE)
MouseState ms = Mouse.GetState();
KeyboardState ks = Keyboard.GetState();
#if (!XBOX && !XBOX_FAKE)
if ((inputMethods & InputMethods.Mouse) == InputMethods.Mouse) UpdateMouse(ms, gameTime);
if ((inputMethods & InputMethods.Keyboard) == InputMethods.Keyboard) UpdateKeys(ks, gameTime);
private ButtonState GetVectorState(GamePadButton button, GamePadState state)
ButtonState ret = ButtonState.Released;
bool down = false;
float t = ClickThreshold;
switch (button)
case GamePadButton.LeftStickLeft: down = state.ThumbSticks.Left.X < -t; break;
case GamePadButton.LeftStickRight: down = state.ThumbSticks.Left.X > t; break;
case GamePadButton.LeftStickUp: down = state.ThumbSticks.Left.Y > t; break;
case GamePadButton.LeftStickDown: down = state.ThumbSticks.Left.Y < -t; break;
case GamePadButton.RightStickLeft: down = state.ThumbSticks.Right.X < -t; break;
case GamePadButton.RightStickRight: down = state.ThumbSticks.Right.X > t; break;
case GamePadButton.RightStickUp: down = state.ThumbSticks.Right.Y > t; break;
case GamePadButton.RightStickDown: down = state.ThumbSticks.Right.Y < -t; break;
case GamePadButton.LeftTrigger: down = state.Triggers.Left > t; break;
case GamePadButton.RightTrigger: down = state.Triggers.Right > t; break;
ret = down ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released;
return ret;
private void UpdateGamePad(PlayerIndex playerIndex, GamePadState state, GameTime gameTime)
GamePadEventArgs e = new GamePadEventArgs(playerIndex);
if (state.ThumbSticks.Left != gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left ||
state.ThumbSticks.Right != gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right ||
state.Triggers.Left != gamePadState.Triggers.Left ||
state.Triggers.Right != gamePadState.Triggers.Right)
BuildGamePadEvent(state, GamePadButton.None, ref e);
if (GamePadMove != null) GamePadMove.Invoke(this, e);
foreach (InputGamePadButton btn in gamePadButtons)
ButtonState bs = ButtonState.Released;
if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.None) continue;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.A) bs = state.Buttons.A;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.B) bs = state.Buttons.B;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.Back) bs = state.Buttons.Back;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.Down) bs = state.DPad.Down;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.Left) bs = state.DPad.Left;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.Right) bs = state.DPad.Right;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.Start) bs = state.Buttons.Start;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.Up) bs = state.DPad.Up;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.X) bs = state.Buttons.X;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.Y) bs = state.Buttons.Y;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.BigButton) bs = state.Buttons.BigButton;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.LeftShoulder) bs = state.Buttons.LeftShoulder;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.RightShoulder) bs = state.Buttons.RightShoulder;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.LeftStick) bs = state.Buttons.LeftStick;
else if (btn.Button == GamePadButton.RightStick) bs = state.Buttons.RightStick;
else bs = GetVectorState(btn.Button, state);
bool pressed = (bs == ButtonState.Pressed);
if (pressed)
double ms = gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
if (pressed) btn.Countdown -= ms;
if ((pressed) && (!btn.Pressed))
btn.Pressed = true;
BuildGamePadEvent(state, btn.Button, ref e);
if (GamePadDown != null) GamePadDown.Invoke(this, e);
if (GamePadPress != null) GamePadPress.Invoke(this, e);
else if ((!pressed) && (btn.Pressed))
btn.Pressed = false;
btn.Countdown = RepeatDelay;
BuildGamePadEvent(state, btn.Button, ref e);
if (GamePadUp != null) GamePadUp.Invoke(this, e);
else if (btn.Pressed && btn.Countdown < 0)
e.Button = btn.Button;
btn.Countdown = RepeatRate;
BuildGamePadEvent(state, btn.Button, ref e);
if (GamePadPress != null) GamePadPress.Invoke(this, e);
gamePadState = state;
private void BuildGamePadEvent(GamePadState state, GamePadButton button, ref GamePadEventArgs e)
e.State = state;
e.Button = button;
e.Vectors.LeftStick = new Vector2(state.ThumbSticks.Left.X, state.ThumbSticks.Left.Y);
e.Vectors.RightStick = new Vector2(state.ThumbSticks.Right.X, state.ThumbSticks.Right.Y);
e.Vectors.LeftTrigger = state.Triggers.Left;
e.Vectors.RightTrigger = state.Triggers.Right;
private void UpdateKeys(KeyboardState state, GameTime gameTime)
#if (!XBOX && !XBOX_FAKE)
KeyEventArgs e = new KeyEventArgs();
e.Caps = (((ushort)NativeMethods.GetKeyState(0x14)) & 0xffff) != 0;
foreach (Keys key in state.GetPressedKeys())
if (key == Keys.LeftAlt || key == Keys.RightAlt) e.Alt = true;
else if (key == Keys.LeftShift || key == Keys.RightShift) e.Shift = true;
else if (key == Keys.LeftControl || key == Keys.RightControl) e.Control = true;
foreach (InputKey key in keys)
if (key.Key == Keys.LeftAlt || key.Key == Keys.RightAlt ||
key.Key == Keys.LeftShift || key.Key == Keys.RightShift ||
key.Key == Keys.LeftControl || key.Key == Keys.RightControl)
bool pressed = state.IsKeyDown(key.Key);
double ms = gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
if (pressed) key.Countdown -= ms;
if ((pressed) && (!key.Pressed))
key.Pressed = true;
e.Key = key.Key;
if (KeyDown != null) KeyDown.Invoke(this, e);
if (KeyPress != null) KeyPress.Invoke(this, e);
else if ((!pressed) && (key.Pressed))
key.Pressed = false;
key.Countdown = RepeatDelay;
e.Key = key.Key;
if (KeyUp != null) KeyUp.Invoke(this, e);
else if (key.Pressed && key.Countdown < 0)
key.Countdown = RepeatRate;
e.Key = key.Key;
if (KeyPress != null) KeyPress.Invoke(this, e);
private Point RecalcPosition(Point pos)
return new Point((int)((pos.X - InputOffset.X) / InputOffset.RatioX), (int)((pos.Y - InputOffset.Y) / InputOffset.RatioY));
private void AdjustPosition(ref MouseEventArgs e)
Rectangle screen = manager.Game.Window.ClientBounds;
if (e.Position.X < 0) e.Position.X = 0;
if (e.Position.Y < 0) e.Position.Y = 0;
if (e.Position.X >= screen.Width) e.Position.X = screen.Width - 1;
if (e.Position.Y >= screen.Height) e.Position.Y = screen.Height - 1;
private void BuildMouseEvent(MouseState state, MouseButton button, ref MouseEventArgs e)
e.State = state;
e.Button = button;
e.Position = new Point(state.X, state.Y);
AdjustPosition(ref e);
e.Position = RecalcPosition(e.Position);
e.State = new MouseState(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y, e.State.ScrollWheelValue, e.State.LeftButton, e.State.MiddleButton, e.State.RightButton, e.State.XButton1, e.State.XButton2);
Point pos = RecalcPosition(new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y));
e.Difference = new Point(e.Position.X - pos.X, e.Position.Y - pos.Y);
private void BuildMouseEvent(MouseState state, MouseButton button, MouseScrollDirection direction, ref MouseEventArgs e)
BuildMouseEvent(state, button, ref e);
e.ScrollDirection = direction;
private void UpdateMouse(MouseState state, GameTime gameTime)
#if (!XBOX && !XBOX_FAKE)
if ((state.X != mouseState.X) || (state.Y != mouseState.Y))
MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs();
MouseButton btn = MouseButton.None;
if (state.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) btn = MouseButton.Left;
else if (state.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed) btn = MouseButton.Right;
else if (state.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed) btn = MouseButton.Middle;
else if (state.XButton1 == ButtonState.Pressed) btn = MouseButton.XButton1;
else if (state.XButton2 == ButtonState.Pressed) btn = MouseButton.XButton2;
BuildMouseEvent(state, btn, ref e);
if (MouseMove != null)
MouseMove.Invoke(this, e);
// Mouse wheel position changed
if (state.ScrollWheelValue != mouseState.ScrollWheelValue)
MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs();
MouseScrollDirection direction = state.ScrollWheelValue < mouseState.ScrollWheelValue ? MouseScrollDirection.Down : MouseScrollDirection.Up;
BuildMouseEvent(state, MouseButton.None, direction, ref e);
if (MouseScroll != null)
MouseScroll.Invoke(this, e);
UpdateButtons(state, gameTime);
mouseState = state;
private void UpdateButtons(MouseState state, GameTime gameTime)
#if (!XBOX && !XBOX_FAKE)
MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs();
foreach (InputMouseButton btn in mouseButtons)
ButtonState bs = ButtonState.Released;
if (btn.Button == MouseButton.Left) bs = state.LeftButton;
else if (btn.Button == MouseButton.Right) bs = state.RightButton;
else if (btn.Button == MouseButton.Middle) bs = state.MiddleButton;
else if (btn.Button == MouseButton.XButton1) bs = state.XButton1;
else if (btn.Button == MouseButton.XButton2) bs = state.XButton2;
else continue;
bool pressed = (bs == ButtonState.Pressed);
if (pressed)
double ms = gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
if (pressed) btn.Countdown -= ms;
if ((pressed) && (!btn.Pressed))
btn.Pressed = true;
BuildMouseEvent(state, btn.Button, ref e);
if (MouseDown != null) MouseDown.Invoke(this, e);
if (MousePress != null) MousePress.Invoke(this, e);
else if ((!pressed) && (btn.Pressed))
btn.Pressed = false;
btn.Countdown = RepeatDelay;
BuildMouseEvent(state, btn.Button, ref e);
if (MouseUp != null) MouseUp.Invoke(this, e);
else if (btn.Pressed && btn.Countdown < 0)
e.Button = btn.Button;
btn.Countdown = RepeatRate;
BuildMouseEvent(state, btn.Button, ref e);
if (MousePress != null) MousePress.Invoke(this, e);